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Cleartreat Waste Water Treatment Chemistry

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The key to effective wastewater treatment is the various separating agents. The equipment makes it happen and can be designed to suit each customer’s specific needs

Cleartreat - A Product That Protects The Environment

We are proud to offer the Cleartreat® line of separating agents. Cleartreat® products are predominantly clay-based separating agents designed for treating industrial wastewaters exhibiting a broad range of characteristics. They are very effective as a one-step treatment for removing organic and inorganic solids such as heavy metals and emulsified oils from discharges generated during various industrial manufacturing operations. Waste generators will realize improved treatment efficiency and will gain a waste sludge that will typically meet or exceed the TCLP (Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure) leach test – enabling disposal as a non-hazardous waste. The various ingredients in Cleartreat® act in a sequential fashion to break oil and water emulsions, precipitate heavy metals as hydroxides, promote flocculation and remove suspended solids. The unique type of clay used in the Cleartreat® separating agents has the ability to ionically react with certain cationic metal contaminants to remove them from solution.

How do our separating agents work?

Our separating agents are formulated to work – usually in a one-step process through a sequence of reactions when wetted or hydrated. The sequencing is controlled by the solubility rate of the various components that make up the different blends we offer. When dealing with more exotic waste streams it may require more than one step. Each waste stream has its own unique characteristics so we always ask for a sample of the waste stream for assessment (usually 2 gallons) before a treatment method is recommended.

What reactions take place in the wastewater?

  1. The pH of the waste water is briefly reduced to a point where the oil emulsion breaks, becomes insoluble and is removed from the waste stream by being attracted to the cationic component of our separating agents.

  2. Suspended solids are also attracted during this phase of treatment.

  3. The pH is elevated briefly for optimum precipitation of dissolved metals. These metals are immediately attracted to the anionic component of the separating agents and are removed from the waste stream.

  4. Finally the pH of the waste stream should return to the neutral range. The cationic (positive charged) components and contaminants combine with the anionic (negatively charged) components and contaminants to form a floc. This final phase allows micro-encapsulation of the contaminants to take place and generally produces a non-leachable solid waste residue. The non-leachability of the solid waste can be substantiated by performing a TCLP (Toxic Characteristic Leachate Procedure).

  5. The treated water or filtrate should be suitable for reuse or discharge. When discharging the water, appropriate testing should be done to ensure compliance with parameters for discharge to the local POTW.

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We will strive to provide the best solutions to meet your requirements by utilizing the resources of our experienced staff, and with the experience of the manufacturers of our finishing equipment. Our solutions will be the best possible system for you based on your needs, and the needs of your clients.
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